Tickets To Pay [[ pending_cash_tickets.length + pending_tickets.length ]]
[[ cancel_ticket_err ]]
To be paid online:
You have no tickets to pay online.
[[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]
[[ group[0].group['title'] ]]
Cancel All
Sub-Total: £[[ pending_online_subtotal ]]
To be paid in cash:
You have no tickets to pay in cash.
[[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]
[[ group[0].group['title'] ]]
Cancel All
Sub-Total: £[[ pending_cash_subtotal ]]
Total: £[[ Number(Number(pending_online_subtotal) + Number(pending_cash_subtotal)).toFixed(2) ]]
Tickets To Pay [[ pending_cash_tickets.length + pending_tickets.length ]]
[[ cancel_ticket_err ]]
To be paid online:
You have no tickets to pay online.
[[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]
[[ group[0].group['title'] ]]
Cancel All
Sub-Total: £[[ pending_online_subtotal ]]
To be paid in cash:
You have no tickets to pay in cash.
[[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]
[[ group[0].group['title'] ]]
Cancel All
Sub-Total: £[[ pending_cash_subtotal ]]
Total: £[[ Number(Number(pending_online_subtotal) + Number(pending_cash_subtotal)).toFixed(2) ]]
[[ tickets_confirmed.message ]]
Our football camps are designed to deliver fun, challenging football coaching for boys and girls aged 2-4 years old.
Our team of qualified coaches will deliver engaging sessions throughout the day.
We take photographs during each session which are then posted on social media. If you DO NOT consent to your child being photographed, then please email us at
[[ ]]
[[ group.future_sessions ]] sessions remaining
This block of sessions has already started. Please contact a delivering official if you wish to sign up pro rata.
Eligible For
[[ log(audience) ]][[ controlled_individuals[ind] ]] - Block: £[[audience.pro_rata ? (Math.round(calc_prorata_block_price(group, audience.all_sessions_price) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) : (Math.round(audience.all_sessions_price * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]] [[ audience.pro_rata ? '(pro rata)' : '' ]], Per Session: £[[ (Math.round(audience.per_session_price * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]]
[[ controlled_individuals[ind] ]] - Block: £[[ audience.pro_rata ? (Math.round(calc_prorata_block_price(group, audience.all_sessions_price) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) : (Math.round(audience.all_sessions_price * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]] [[ audience.pro_rata ? '(pro rata)' : '' ]]
[[ controlled_individuals[ind] ]] - Per Session: £[[ (Math.round(audience.per_session_price * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]]
[[ controlled_individuals[ind] ]] - All Sessions Free
You do not have any eligible participants on your profile. Click here to add.Starts - Ends
[[firstAndLastDay('first', group)]] - [[firstAndLastDay('last', group)]]
[[ group_deliverers_name_concat(deliverers_by_group[]) ]]
Sessions Selected: [[ getSelectedSessionCount(group) ]]
Sub-Total: £[[ calculateGroupSessionPrice(group)]]
Sub-Total: [[ calculateGroupSessionPrice(group)]]
Can't see the sessions you're looking for?
There may be some attendance eligibility criteria in place, therefore please ensure all relevant individuals connected to you have been added to your profile.
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