Fri 30/06/2023 7:00pm - Fri 30/06/2023 11:00pm THISTLE LODGE, 21 Peter Street DUNDEE DD1 2EW £3.00 - Card or cash


£3 per person to be paid to Chris, Stuart, or Shannon. You also need to confirm how many people are coming as the hall space is limited.


Race Sponsors

Looking for 8 Race Sponsors for £25 each. Each race sponsor will be listed as the race sponsor at the event and can name the 8 horses/jockeys. If you would like to sponsor or know of any businesses that would like to get involved and sponsor please get touch!



We will need prizes so please if you have anything at all lying about. Unwanted presents, booze, Chris even said one year there was a tub of gravy in his tombola? so please anything would be amazing again please get in touch



Food needed for buffet if anyone knows anyone who could provide some food. Again please get in touch

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