Tickets To Pay [[ pending_cash_tickets.length + pending_tickets.length ]]
[[ cancel_ticket_err ]]
To be paid online:
You have no tickets to pay online.
[[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]
[[ group[0].group['title'] ]]
Cancel All
Sub-Total: £[[ pending_online_subtotal ]]
To be paid in cash:
You have no tickets to pay in cash.
[[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]
[[ group[0].group['title'] ]]
Cancel All
Sub-Total: £[[ pending_cash_subtotal ]]
Total: £[[ Number(Number(pending_online_subtotal) + Number(pending_cash_subtotal)).toFixed(2) ]]
Tickets To Pay [[ pending_cash_tickets.length + pending_tickets.length ]]
[[ cancel_ticket_err ]]
To be paid online:
You have no tickets to pay online.
[[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]
[[ group[0].group['title'] ]]
Cancel All
Sub-Total: £[[ pending_online_subtotal ]]
To be paid in cash:
You have no tickets to pay in cash.
[[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]
[[ group[0].group['title'] ]]
Cancel All
Sub-Total: £[[ pending_cash_subtotal ]]
Total: £[[ Number(Number(pending_online_subtotal) + Number(pending_cash_subtotal)).toFixed(2) ]]
[[ tickets_confirmed.message ]]
In Partnership with Fife Sports & Leisure Trust, to celebrate Dalgety Bay Sports & Leisure Centre's 30th anniversary, we will be hosting 2 tournaments on the 25th August at Dalgety Bay Sports & Leisure Centre. A 5 aside tournament for 5-9 year olds and a 7 aside tournament for 10-16 year olds.
You can either enter as a team or be assigned one on the day.
The entry fee will be £5 per team which will be payable on the day.
A maximum of 7 players is allowed for the 5 aside tournament and a maximum of 9 players for the 7 aside tournament.
Could 1 parent please sign up acting as the team, we can then contact you regarding age of team, number of players and team name etc.
[[ ]]
[[ group.future_sessions ]] sessions remaining
This block of sessions has already started. Please contact a delivering official if you wish to sign up pro rata.
Eligible For
[[ log(audience) ]][[ controlled_individuals[ind] ]] - Block: £[[audience.pro_rata ? (Math.round(calc_prorata_block_price(group, audience.all_sessions_price) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) : (Math.round(audience.all_sessions_price * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]] [[ audience.pro_rata ? '(pro rata)' : '' ]], Per Session: £[[ (Math.round(audience.per_session_price * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]]
[[ controlled_individuals[ind] ]] - Block: £[[ audience.pro_rata ? (Math.round(calc_prorata_block_price(group, audience.all_sessions_price) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) : (Math.round(audience.all_sessions_price * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]] [[ audience.pro_rata ? '(pro rata)' : '' ]]
[[ controlled_individuals[ind] ]] - Per Session: £[[ (Math.round(audience.per_session_price * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) ]]
[[ controlled_individuals[ind] ]] - All Sessions Free
You do not have any eligible participants on your profile. Click here to add.Starts - Ends
[[firstAndLastDay('first', group)]] - [[firstAndLastDay('last', group)]]
[[ group_deliverers_name_concat(deliverers_by_group[]) ]]
Sessions Selected: [[ getSelectedSessionCount(group) ]]
Sub-Total: £[[ calculateGroupSessionPrice(group)]]
Sub-Total: [[ calculateGroupSessionPrice(group)]]
Can't see the sessions you're looking for?
There may be some attendance eligibility criteria in place, therefore please ensure all relevant individuals connected to you have been added to your profile.
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